Re-imagining Entrepreneurship


What if entrepreneurship wasn’t about sharks and competitions? What if it was about building confidence through experience, figuring out gifts and talents, learning how to talk to and really connect with people, and having fun while doing it? Saturdays at Community Happens Here are becoming just that and more. Our Teen Barista program is slowly taking shape, as Branden trains the start of a new cohort. First up, food safety and cleaning methods! And of course, most importantly, to me at least, we begin to explore what hospitality really means. At Community Happens Here, hospitality means Will having a deep conversation with his neighbor James. It means Betty sitting down and creating paper-punch decorations, and bringing her friend Vivian. It means the joy of a newly-created latte after a long work session. Who knows what amazing things will be created here? No sharks need apply.


Found Community


Sidewalk Gratitude